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in 🔆 empowerment
May 05


in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 05

Hey everyone. We wanted to introduce ourselves briefly since the bio option on here doesn't.
We go by Andromeda and Azathoth. We are 31 and 36, we're married with kids, and we both use the same account. That's why, sometimes, we respond the way we do or sign off with whomever is commenting. We are also former occultists who were from respective groups at one point, and left for our own reasons. Andro is a Shaivite Hindu and Azath is a Zen Buddhist. So a lot of our posts are about positivity, mindfulness and healing.
We do this because unifyd has become very bonding and positive; it's our form of social media and a "date night" so to speak. We're glad to be here and share our own experiences and help support others. Much love from the Unifyd Alaskans! 🙏🏼🪷❄️

in 🌎 unifyd-social
April 12

A post shared from Robert Edward Grant’s IG…

Whatever message you have been feeling called to get out and share, feel free to type it out in the comments below!

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 02

UNIFYD gives back April 2024 pt 1!🤗

This past month was Anastasia’s turn to give back to her community under the UNIFYD pay-it-forward initiative! She came up with a few creative ways to spread positivity and share abundance.

To start, she put together bunches of flowers with uplifting quotes about healing to put a smile on people’s faces.😊🌸

Stay tuned for part 2!!

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 04
Weaponized 5G Radiation Check this BS out. this is happening now brothers and sisters

in 🌎 unifyd-social
December 29, 2023

Absolutely ❤ I pray that with every coming year our souls evolve & become wiser... 2020-2023 has been a wild journey for many of us & now that we have went through "the dark night of the soul" , we have shed many layers,awakened & learned many things...we need to sprinkle all the seeds we can to everyone we know... 2024, I'm ready for ya!♥️👽🫂🌏♥️Happy New Year to my Unifyd Family ♥️

in 🌎 unifyd-social
April 27

Yep! Enjoy every single second of your life. Feel every single second. This has been one of the hardest things for me to do is to stay grounded & stay in the moment but I'm getting in progress 😂♥️🌏🫂👽♥️

April 27

Mannn of man how The universe or reality is what I like to call it now but there is a definitely a divine timing to everything and nothing happens by coincidence or by accident but rather because it's supposed to and because it has to. I have been seeing numbers, mostly synchronize numbers everyday for the past 7 to 8 months and I'm trying to learn from it, I just got out of a Lyft driver's car and I looked on his dash and it said 333 So I asked him what the 333 was for and he said it was how many more miles he had until he ran out of gas.. totally random moment in time but so precise and divinely orchestrated, but for what or from who? I was talking to the Lyft driver about becoming a driver in the near future whenever I get everything that has to do with my driver's license and I obtain a car so as I was getting out of the car I glanced and seen the 333.. for me it was clarity.. so now that reality has co-signed part of what path I'm supposed to be going down that is what I will do.. that is what I have been doing for the past couple months and whenever I follow these numbers and listen to them things seem to happen for the best of interest in my life, whether that be something I am comfortable with or something I'm not comfortable with it brings me to my next point in mylife and my spiritual journey.. but whomever has created this strange twisted reality we live in definitely has something going on with people on a personal and spiritual level.. 🖤999🖤

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 04

A story to inspire a better world
Brad wasn't your average teenager. The specter of a stolen childhood fueled his obsession: eradicating child predators from the very fabric of humanity. Years of biohacking culminated in the Eugenics Chip, a revolutionary device no bigger than a grain of rice. Implanted at birth, the chip targeted a specific hormonal signature – a biomarker intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Unlike traditional birth control, the Eugenics Chip wasn't about stopping conception. It was about severing the bloodline. When a child encountered situations that might attract predators – laughter in secluded areas, specific TV shows featuring children – the chip silently monitored the adult male's hormonal response. A single spike was a warning, a chance course correction. But repeated spikes triggered a chilling consequence.

The chip wouldn't just deliver a sterilizing dose. It would unleash a designer virus, a genetic modification weapon targeting the identified biomarker. This mutation would become part of the man's genetic code, ensuring it passed down to his offspring. Generations down the line, the very capacity for pedophilia would be eradicated from the bloodline.

in 🌎 unifyd-social
May 31, 2023

Yep we did 😞🤔👽🌍👽