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May 13

There are many secret societies outside of TLS.👪

From Free Masons, to powerful family organizations and mystical practicing groups, these societies are found all over the world.

Some come together for the purpose of doing good, while others may have a darker agenda.

Have you heard of any of the societies on this list before?

Stay tuned for more TLS content coming soon!


The safe and natural way to treat the root cause of Parkinson's instead of just treating "the symptoms", as your hospital and doctor would prefer you do...

If you're not a "conspiracy theorist" you're likely an indoctrinated puppet believing what you're told to believe by your genocidal puppet masters who plan to have you be one of their unpaid slaves that will own nothing and be unhappy forever. Congratulations slave. That might describe just 1% or so of the people here... 50% or more of the masses out there.

Beware of wolves in sheep clothing...


You're a "conspiracy theorist" if you keep an open mind, question authority and question genocide, if you doubt what doesn't make sense (which is being told to you by people with a depopulation agenda). And especially if you suspect the election was stolen and that January 6th was a setup. Who is it that benefits by causing people to remain silent for fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by the way?

If people were dying within hours of taking the high pressure hyped and mandated experimental mRNA vaccine bio-weapon... why was that not considered suspicious? $$$$$$$$

April 17

The Trump Potus Pedo Point... when Trump is shown pointing at someone in a photo, that means their crimes are known and their days are numbered

May 08

Robert Edward Grant says there's a possible 14th zodiac sign🤯

If you watched this past Monday Night Live with the guest appearance of Robert Edward Grant, your mind was probably just as blown as all of ours on the UNIFYD team.

He made a lot of connections between the zodiac and his discoveries in the pyramids of Egypt. Did you know that there are actually evolutions to each zodiac sign? Most sites only address 3 different levels, but REG suggests that there is also a 4th if you include ALL the constellations as decans within the astrology system.

Now if you recall earlier in The Pyramid Code series, "Ray" mentions a 13th zodiac, which REG discusses the deeper meaning behind Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer, in the live Q&A. However, he believes there is ALSO a 14th zodiac sign.

Read the article below to learn more about the 13th and 14th zodiac signs👇

And check out this article to learn about the different evolutions of the zodiac👇

Does your birthday fall within the dates of these two signs and if so, how do you resonate with them?


Hospitals and doctors will tell you that Parkinson's is an "incurable disease"... They will throw in the towel on day one of your diagnosis and expect you to do the same.
YouTube Channel With Dr. Costantini Patient Stories (Italian doctor who cured 2,500+ Parkinson's Disease patients):
He cured them using a Vitamin B1 Thiamine protocol

April 14

Not only do the pedophile traitors in your government allow pedophilia and child trafficking... they also allow the FDA, CDC, WHO, hospitals and big pharma to murder the masses. And your psychopath government does so while on salary thanks to your tax dollars