Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States


May 13 at 05:24 PM

Dominoes falling for the genocidal tyrannical traitors?


May 13 at 02:08 PM

[Video:] CDC, Pfizer and Moderna CEOs and other officials who were executed


May 13 at 12:42 PM

If you're not a "conspiracy theorist" you're likely an indoctrinated puppet believing what you're told to believe by your genocidal puppet masters who plan to have you be one of their unpaid slaves that will own nothing and be unhappy forever. Congratulations slave. That might describe just 1% or so of the people here... 50% or more of the masses out there.

May 13 at 12:04 PM


Yes, they have infiltrated everything.


May 13 at 11:38 AM

You're a "conspiracy theorist" if you keep an open mind, question authority and question genocide, if you doubt what doesn't make sense (which is being told to you by people with a depopulation agenda). And especially if you suspect the election was stolen and that January 6th was a setup. Who is it that benefits by causing people to remain silent for fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by the way?


May 13 at 10:34 AM

Beware of wolves in sheep clothing...


May 13 at 10:20 AM

[Continued:] When they have a track record of failure, when they are bought-and-paid for puppets, when everything is an incurable disease to them, and when they only treat the symptoms of the disease and never address the root cause of the disease... that is a waste of time losing proposition


May 13 at 10:17 AM

When they have a track record of failure, when they are bought-and-paid for puppets, when everything is an incurable disease to them and when they only treat the symptoms of the disease and never address the root cause of the disease... that is a waste of time losing proposition


May 13 at 10:12 AM

When they have a track record of failure, everything is an incurable disease to them and they only treat the symptoms of the disease and never address the root cause of the disease... that is a waste of time losing proposition


May 13 at 12:00 AM

Bruce Lee... still alive?