A couple nights ago I was at a casino in Illinois and I was sitting in the cafeteria and seen a woman in her upper twenties with her head down and hands in her hair pulling it out as she was rocking back and forth crying one minute and breathing hard the next minute and I felt her pain in the lower frequency and lower vibration aura but I actually had a mood ring I had found on the ground somewhere a couple months ago and actually had it with me that day and didn't wear it because it won't even fit on my big fat fingers but something told me to bring it with me so then I felt my higher self tell me that I have to go over there and give her this ring and not doing it is not an option so I approached the seemingly distraught woman and I said, "excuse me ma'am, are you okay?" "She answered yeah yeah, I'm okay" so "I said very calmly and lovingly "well,you sute don't look okay,I just want you to know that you are a beautiful person and you can do anything you put your mind to, things are going to get better.. believe to receive! We create our own reality through our thoughts and intentions so keep that in mind. Here is a mood ring that will protect your energy and bring you positive vibrations along with higher frequential intentions,if you ever feel overwhelmed or alone put this ring on and it will restore you energy and uplift your vibrations.."she smiled really big and took the ring and put it on herpinky immediately then said "thank you so much! I really appreciate that!" And it seemed like she was just shocked that somebody would and could actually care about her because she looked as if she was a drifter or just somebody that didn't have anywhere to go and was taking heed in the casino to stay out of the cold and to maybe get some food but anyways after I gave her the ring and walked away I glanced over and she was smiling from ear to ear and the rocking and hair pulling ceased to happen and I felt like her energy was lifted. Mission success! People really don't understand how much we can impact each other and just a simple Act like I did can change somebody's life. So always remember that we are here to support each other and love each other and help each other grow. No matter what class of human you are what color you are what race you are or what gender you are. We are all connected to the divine source the source is connected to all of us thus meaning we are all connected in a homogeneous way so bringing negativity to someone else is actually bringing negativity to yourself and Source at a whole which goes beyond that and enters into everybody's consciousness. So Remember Loving other people is loving yourself! Love and light to all!