If city's are recycling water from swerg plants for drinking water and the pill that stops woman getting pregnant is tuning frogs gay is everyone getting those hormones witch would intenafiy the problem

What does he mean by this, and do you agree? 🤔 Let us hear your answers below. 👇
I was talking to a guy that was saying that all the frogs at swerg plants are going gay from the birth control pills so is that why kids are a bit that way now as the stuff turning frogs gay are in their mother's

Yesterday afternoon I got into a car accident; my mother was in the passenger seat. We were driving her car. Prayers for my mother please. 🙏
What happened is this, I was feeling nauseous and had a bloated stomach after lunch. Me and my mother went to our appointment and by the end of the appointment two hours later, I still had a bloated stomach and still felt nauseous. My mother also had a sore arm, so I told her that instead of going to the beach, we would go home.
We were driving through Waikiki across from Kapiolani park and I started feeling really nauseous and light headed, so I told my mom that I was going to pull over to vomit. But there were no available parking stalls so I just slowed down hoping to find somewhere to pull over. Next thing I know I opened my eyes and saw that I was in an upside down car, with my mother seated next to me. Then I heard bystanders yelling at us asking if we were okay, if anyone was in the back seat, etc.
The bystanders pulled me and my mother out of the car and we were lying on a grass area. A fire truck and Ambulance pulled up and were treating me and my mother and drove us to Queens Medical Center.
My mother is said to be doing good, but she injured some of her kneck spine bones. She is at Quuens Medical Center. I am okay. I am at Kaiser. They are trying to determine what made me blackout while driving. Some staff there said I could've had a seizure, or a heart issue, but the most likely is that I had Vasovagal.
They said that I drove up a tree or into a tree - I don't remember what specifically they said - and then the car flipped over onto its roof. I am devestated. I kept telling my mother that I'm sorry. I do everything I can to protect her and to take care of her. This freak medical situation and accident was the last thing I ever expected to happen.
My cell phone battery is low and I cannot charge it while at the hospital, so I likely will not be able to answer any replies.
What general topics would you like me to cover in my next interview with RAY?