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October 21
October 18

"Love is light" keep that! ❤️🫂❤️

October 20
• Edited (Oct 20, 2024)

I have a question for Jason i would really appreciate it if u can ask Ray about gang stalking/community stalking. I'm going thru it for the past year and it got so intense to where i lost my home, car, almost killed myself over this. As of right now it calmed down but i know I'm still being watched. Now ever since now i been getting videos popping up that I'm one of God chosen ones. I do possess gifts that many do not, idk if that has something to do with it. I have noticed a quick weight loss skin looks younger n i did notice changes in my body to where my body gets so hot i can't stand it, or cold. I know how to use my third eye n it's gotten so much better. My energy has caused me to pretty much b a loner n it's hard allot of times. I'm very spiritual n don't feel like i fit into this society. So i been dealing with allot of depression n anxiety. But i would love to hear what n if any thoughts on this topic. Some say it's demons some says it s government. I been getting videos popping up saying government is after me cus i possess evidence that can put a damper on things. I just don't know what to believe. I just know i got evidence n it's really weird out here being followed seems like it's by everybody. Ty

October 08

Hey fam,
I have a cool idea not sure what other people may feel about it but as much as Jason and unifyd and others on this channel do for us. It would be great if we could form some type of committees where we could meet once a month like as an example:zoom calls. Just all us get together and come together with the wisdom and all the great things we could do to collaborate and do something great for ourselves and our other members. We may not be face to face but if we are using this platform we have Internet and that's all we need. We could do whatever you can think of. I know Jason does a lot for us and he's one man with a great team doing a lot!
It wouldn't be hard to form some committees so we can help each other with this awakening we have been going/growing through. It would take away the disconnect of not being able to take and see the person in real life. But also the closest thing to it. We could do so many cools things with this. We could collectively gather awakening stories and publish a book for unifyd members going through the same things. Like individual personal stories. Not to make money, to help the ones of us that just don't know where to start. The book would be individualized journeys that brought them to their awakening and even what led them to it maybe even some of the struggles of not being able to speak to other people about this huge event unfolding in our lives.This is just some brainstorming. IT could literally be any topic! SO if unifyd is for the people by the people is this brainstorm a way out there idea. Does anyone support it? It could be anything and we could do weekly/bi- weekly meetings no matter where you are from. Even some of the topics could be as simple as something, I am going through my awakening and everyone thinks I'm crazy and no one believes me and we can chat about members OG members, in betweeners. Like a support group. This is a lot to think on just trying to figure out a way to bring us together on a more solid bases with organized meetings by us for us and for people like us going through the same struggles and questions. It could be anything the door is open!
What do ya guys thinks ? ❤️ Any suggestions?
Of course making them uplifting and full of love ❤️ no matter the topic. I believe this is something people have been asking for and since we are so capable of anything why not do something more to help the people through the people!.
I think it's a start to a great solution to us wanted to connect on different levels and share stories, get feedback if that's what the person wants or just wants to learn and listen from others.
Drop some comments if anyone thinks this could work and how you see it working ! Id love to get this conversation started! We can do anything! We are love and we are ONE! It could be as simple as getting together and meditating like Jason does once a month. But why not take what he gave us and run with it! Doesn't mean Unifyd has to post it, there could be personal things that people dont want the world to know but to create safe spaces to talk about whatever is ailing us and even set aside the last minutes to pray for what was brought up during the session. This just came to me. Id really love to hear if there's any interests or suggestions ❤️
Sending love and light to all of you my beautiful Unifyd family!❤️❤️❤️

October 03

Happy Thursday UNIFYD Family💜

Here is an exercise for you all, that is not always the easiest to do. But practice does make perfect. We live in a society where we are programmed to give all of our love and energy to others - and in doing so, we forget to leave anything left for ourselves. 

So today, I want you to take a moment for yourself, and tell yourself "I love you". 

Take a moment to be present, go deep within and think of 5 things you love about yourself. 

Let's inspire everyone today!💜 This is a perfect opportunity to compliment yourself and give yourself some praise!

What are 5 things you truly love about yourself? 

Let's hear them below!👇💜

October 21
October 08

What order should I be watching the disclosure, conversations with ray, pyramid code series? And if there are any other series that should be watched in order to know what is going on?

July 21


October 12

The email with information for today's meeting has been sent!  Please check for an email from   I also have a link to a form for more information about you that is for my eyes only!  It is just so that I can get things sent and make sure I have time zones in mind and things like that.  

I look forward to seeing more faces tonight, because last night was amazing and it will continue to be so as we move along!

October 21