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December 08, 2023
• Edited (May 09, 2024)

God is real.. thank you Jesus for this precious life you have given me. Jesus is the one true truth.. everything else is suspect to being complete bullshit and hogwash. Our reality consist of one large biological plane of existence which is perceived by us, the observers in order to bring back experience to the one true creator, God. The truth is coming out slowly but one thing I do know after today, you can read through my 1000 plus posts and see my belief systems fluctuate from this to that, as I searched and scoured each and every philosophical theory of why we are here and who we are.. I came to the profound conclusion that basically everything that we have been taught from grade school is a lie and is bullshit.. I would say like 98% is wrong and bullshit. Once I learned the true nature of our existence I started being able to see everything for what it is.. bullshit. Sighing off..™ ©J®

August 29
• Edited (Aug 29, 2024)


We have new UNIFYD TV members joining us every single day, so let's do a roll call to see where everyone is tuning in from! 

Perhaps there are members of the UNIFYD community a lot closer to you than you think!🤩

Let us know where you're from!👇🌎

September 06
September 06

What is the best way to detox from the Covid 19 vaccine?

July 31

What general topics would you like me to cover in my next interview with RAY?

September 05

DNA upgrade... the light won the spiritual war against darkness, it's time to focus on healing.

August 27
• Edited (Aug 27, 2024)

Soul Sessions will be taking place September 5th!

Join in LIVE to share the challenges you are facing and receive one-on-one guidance from Jason!

We love these sessions as they empower those brave enough to share and inspire those who are watching.

There's always something to take away from the conversations.

See you there next week at 7pm EST!

September 05
• Edited (Sep 05, 2024)

We want to know, "What is your content vibe?"
Do you prefer more of the thrilling documentaries like The Phenomenon, Bob Lazar and Missing 411?🛸
Or do you prefer educational workshops like Forming The Formless and Accessing Your Must Dimensional Self?🧘‍♀️
Or do you prefer more of the uncensored and disclosure type of content such as Root Cause, Saving The Children and The Great Awakening?🔎
Or do you prefer a more light hearted and eye-opening series like Portal to the Pleiadians and Beyond the Surface of America? 😃
Or do you prefer spiritual and thought provoking content like Messages from Bashar or Ayahuasca Source For The Soul? 💫
Do you prefer a film, a documentary or a series? What is your niche? What do you get the most excited about?
But the real question is: What would YOU like to see more of, on UNIFYD TV?!😍👇

April 29

For the EESystem, can anyone recommend a program for Cysts/Masses/tumors/Cancer?

September 06