About 2-3 months after my awakening I had dark negative forces seeking me out and they found me.. it started with suttle noises around the house and the knocking off of things on shelves and eventually cuttings on my body and the entering of my dreams and thoughts.. I still battle with the wicked forces on a day to day basis and I see them on a daily basis... I'm not sure if there inter-dimensional beings or spirits but what I 100% do know is that they 100% exist and the more clairvoyant and the stronger psyonic psychic abilities you have along with the impact you could potentially have on humanity they will attack you harder and more often because they want to keep humanity at a standstill decrease in life and everything around us.. so they are there.. they will come.. they will attack you.. and you shine your damn light as bright as you can and blind them with the forces of love and light.. I repeatedly tell them I love them everyday and they run scared.. they cannot withstand positivity, love and light. They will run from it so when they come.. SHINE!!! โค๏ธโนโนโนโค๏ธ