As Jason and many other spirtual leaders have explained and expressed we are super human and these special "supernatural" powers if you will are actually "super-human" and are "super-normal".. turning into a bird is actually normal to some humans that have those genes of course but telepathy is completely normal and is actually how humans do communicate and other gifts people have obtained are all normal and are all "super-human"!! We have been led to believe by "super-psychopathic" individuals who only want to control and to guide human kind into a state of sheer nothingness that these gifts are not only "IMPOSSIBLE" but crazy to even imagine a human to be able to wield such "super-human" gifts.. we are "super-natural",we are "super-human".. we have to dig deep into our self to find these gifts and to pull them out of ourselves because THEY ARE THERE!! I am living proof that these gifts are accessible to every and all humankind!! There has been a narrative built around these such gifts as to believe someone could harness such gifts would be crazy or mentally ill in order to keep us dumbed down and unable to reach our fullest potential within our true orgins or being human and what it means..FIND IT,LEARN IT,USE IT..LOVE IT!! WE ARE SUPER-HUMAN!!