At the annual CPAC event where conservatives around the world gather this is part of the interesting speech the El Salvador President made.. With the financial system of the United States high taxes are not the problem, High taxes are high here in the US but that's not the problem. The problem is not the High taxes themselves but the fact that they are not even really funding the government. So who's financing the government?? The government is financed by treasury bonds. (PAPER) and who buys the treasury bonds?? Mostly the Fed.. and how does the Fed buy them?? By printing money.. but what backing does the Fed have for that money being printed?? The treasury bonds themselves!! So basically you finance the government by printing money out of thin air. Someone could ask it to government can print unlimited amounts of money out of thin air why do they collect taxes? The theory would make since right?? If they could print unlimited amounts of money why would they need taxes for?? The real problem is that you pay high taxes is that you uphold the illusion that your funding the government which you ARE NOT!! The government is funded by money printing... paper back by paper. Which is a bubble that will inevitably burst. The situation is worst than it seems. Because of America and the rest of the world was to become aware of this distrust the confidence in your currency would be lost. The dollar will fall and the American dream along with the Western Civilization with it.
Psβ’ If paper is money and paper comes from trees and trees which are part of nature and are free to grow and grow freely from nature itself why in the fuck do we have to pay for paper in the first place!?!? π€π€π€π€

March 03, 2024