January 30

Bidan Admits Trump Is Sitting POTUS [CIC]

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1752114802778915196?s=20

On January 27, 2024 the Joe Bidan double knowingly said the quiet part out loud when he referred to Donald Trump as "A sitting President" during his speech at the first ever South Carolina Democratic party dinner hosted on CBS' affiliate channel, 19 WLTX. He did not correct himself either, but the fake news legacy mainstream media have been working overtime trying to convince the masses it was an accident and that he deviated from "script" by not saying former president. In doing so the fake news has admitted that the Joe Bidan double does in fact have a script to follow and he knows that Donald Trump has in fact been the real Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the US Republic from 2017 to 2024. Even the White House released the official transcript on their website crossing out the word sitting and putting former in brackets.

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