Could it be possible that modern religion is outdated and doesn't apply to the human species as a whole any longer?? Is it possible that religion was created to control the mass and manipulate society to gain power & wealth ?? Is it possible that the creators of religion took information from ancient civilizations long before their time and created their own religion from this information?? My opinion is my opinion but anything that controls you to be a certain way or act a certain way or make certain decisions in life is brainwash and Mass manipulation at its best. If you do not follow these guidelines and rules that were established from the high Almighty God you will burn in hell for eternity!! In order for me not to go to hell I have to live a certain type of way up to this standard of religion and if I try to stand up and say no I don't believe in that I would like to seek a different route or a different path in my life you get your throat slit and chopped up into little pieces. Not sure why anybody would want to be a part of that unless you were a psychopath. We have outgrown our modern religion and need to elevate and seek new spiritual foundation. We have outgrown this 2000 year old false creation of what life and Society is supposed to be like. Religion is Not a Bad Thing altogether because some people get life-changing results out of it and I'm not saying that the Bible is false information or bologna and as Ray says there is codes to the scriptures in the ancient information that most people don't have. So if it's working for you and you're getting positive results in your life by all mean do what you got to do to stay balanced happy and successful. But for me my intuition and my intellectual perspectives of the world is far more advanced than following a fear-based religion that shapes me into the man the creators want me to be. Religion divides people and separate human society and keeps us at the same spiritual and level of Ascension without being able to rise above the 2,000-year-old beliefs and systems. There is one religion that surprises everything in all in that is love. It actually says and the Bible First Corinthians chapter 13 that love is the most powerful force in the universe. Above all love resides. As a human Collective and Ascension conscience oriented beings We crave spiritual food and everybody is looking for a purpose in life so they will literally take anything that suffices as giving them purpose in life even though in reality the religion they are dedicating their entire life and energy to is robbing them of their true potential and true awareness to the universe the world and Humanity as a whole. I believe, and like I said this is my opinion, we should do away with all religion and systems and beliefs that are outdated 2,000 years old and don't apply to our evolved spiritual & modern intellect. It's time to rise up together and take back what we were robbed of. Today we are in control and today we say what's what who is who and where we want to go. These outdated practices beliefs and systems do not apply to our lives anymore so in my opinion, which of course is my opinion, need to do away with all salty, fear-based, mind control belief systems. You can read between the lines and see that there was big scheme in manipulation project that scared people into pouring their entire life, soul energy, family, and in some cases bank accounts into doing what this particular religion is telling you to do because if you don't do it you are going to burn in hell for eternity. Any intellectual and being with common sense can see that this was a way to control people into behaving and acting a certain way. I vote to abolish all religion and abide by one belief system called love. Love is eternal and you can feel the love for eternity. How does that sound? I feel like that beats the hell out of if you don't do this you're going to burn in hell! I feel like when I die and my soul leaves my body I am going to go to a dimension of pure love and positive energy. Not sure why my recent reincarnation chose this life I'm in right now but when I send and leave my human shell I'm going to the most beautiful, peaceful and perfect place the universe has to offer. The exact opposite of hell. And all I have to do is love myself and love everybody around me and I qualify for that Dimension and reality. All of, all respect, all hope, we rise together!!
Caleb J Reeves
November 16th 2023