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Did my first 2 hour EES session @ WINDMILL WELLNESS CENTER & It was hands down a very pleasant and healing experience!! I could feel the healing frequncies as soon as I walked into the room,endulged in a 2 hour meditation using my personal crystal to maximize intentions and manifestive primciple. I could visualize the frequnicies as they were shooting across the room with then being sucked in through my top chakra and being released through my bottom chakras I could feel the all the negative leave my body and all the bad stuff being pushed out by the frequncies. There was even a spur of fhe moment where I lost my breath from the energy input into my body. It was truly invigorating and very empowering. I feel slightly jittery and a little tired but all in all I'm ready to get home and take this detox salt bath and lay on back. If you haven't experienced the EES HEALING POWERS you most definitely need to find one near you!!! There are over 350 Healing Centers across the globe so don't play yourself and go get this affordable cutting edge frequency healing technology. It fees great and it's quite afaffordable. Overall,I'm extremely satisfied with the 2 hour experience and can't wait to return for my next session!!!