June 20

for me the summer solstice has turned in to a very black day, every year again because there is a town in China called yule,
And every year with the summer solstice they do a all you can eat dog festival there , what i find horrible but the most horrible thing is that they torture the dogs because there meat get softer then,
So they trow them in boiling olie,skin them alive,and do all the most painful things to them on the day the summer starts and it is allowed from the government.🤬😭😭
I would love to go there and every thing they do to the dogs, i would love to do to them.
This fucked the summer solstice up for me for the rest of my life because i cant stop thinking at all the pain and fear these animals must go true this day
I really wished i could change this🥺😔🥺