Do you believe in spirits? Good VS evil spirits?? I'm dealing with a multitude of different negative spirits that have directly influenced me in many negative ways while also trying to make a bargain with me of promising me otherworldly senses along with power and dominance.. at first I accecpted them into my reality due to nothing more than confusion and bad advice and not I'm suffering the consequences but have been able to powerfully manipulate energy from Ra the sun God as well as channeling Christ Energy with a dash of pure source in order to push out these malevolent forces and have actually believe it or not been successful to an extent in eradicating them from my conscious and subconscious mind as well as my spirit but they are Relentless and do not want to take no for an answer so I have been forced to constantly Channel these Energies all day everyday and to do certain ceremonies and rituals at night time in order to combat there negative energy and negative intentions as well as negative agenda. Does anybody have any thoughts on negative Spirits entities or beings and how to combat their relentless deception and trickery? I have been talking to multiple spiritual advisors as well as spiritual acquaintances and have collected a multitude of data and have applied it differently and have gotten pretty good results but I would like to have a solution to end it for good and to close the book on this relationship that has been formed for good! If anybody has any type of advice, information or knowledge as to how to do that sufficiently I would be very appalled and grateful. Love and light to all! Here are some photos I took the other night if that may help you see what I am dealing with..moral of the story is i don't want there promises,dont want there energy,and dont want there presence!! Theres no confusion about that..its black and white..please help!!
January 19, 2024
β’ Edited (Jan 19, 2024)