From The H-Earth Book 📚 📖 💯❤️

This image is a conceptual sketch mixing various systems of thought and cosmologies. At the core, there's a drawing of the Earth with lines that might represent latitude and longitude, surrounded by zodiac signs, suggesting a link to astrology. There's also a complex diagram involving the seasons, equinoxes, and solstices tied to zodiac signs, with references to cardinal points like the Midheaven (MC) and the Imum Coeli (IC), which are important in astrology.

Above, we see a pyramidal structure labeled with the realms of Norse cosmology such as Asgard, Midgard, and others, reflecting a mythological understanding of the universe. The use of the names of these realms suggests an attempt to draw parallels or connections between different mythological and esoteric systems.

The blending of these elements may indicate an exploration of how different systems of belief intersect or correlate with each other, possibly in a search for universal patterns or truths. The sketch is very imaginative and indicative of an interest in astrology, myth, and esoteric knowledge.