January 14

Haha damn.. KARMA is a cold blooded ANIMAL!! But this is really how the cookie crumbles.. people need to understand the value of life and karma..before they go and try to manipulate, undervalue,belittle,ignore,use and abandon good hearted,sincere,and pure hearted people... just remember..the KARMIC WHEEL never stops spinning.. your next life you may be a CACTUS 🌵 stuck in the Sahara Desert for 10-200 years.. I hope its not 200. 10 would be enough to teach you the value of friendship and people no matter who,what,or where they are. EVERYBODY deserves true love and EVERYBODY deserves authenticity and pure love..REAL LOVE..NOT FAKE LOVE and you should always show respect and people should always show recognition and give credit when credits due. But that's just my take from the outside looking in..or wait..the inside looking in..either way..KARMA IS A BEAST. WHAT WILL YOUR KARMA BE?!?! 🤔