May 03

Hey unifyd,
Why does everything that i post in the facebook group suddenly gets deleted.
First you guys said that it was because i was posting too much, but now i dont post much anymore and all the the rest of the messages from even a month ago get erased.
Al the things i post have something to do with transformation, if it is about magic,about dragons, about natural disasters, or just to have a laugh.
People liked my post and there were not offending or separating nobody
I thought you guys were unifyd and for connecting people but you dont, you only want to make a other group.
I paid for the transformation event so whh cant i not post anymore the things i post, i did nothing wrong to any of you.,but i can read between the lines dont worry and i dont stay where i am not wanted. ,
I would have upgraded but i gonne cancel,i really thought you were the good ones but i do t think that anymore otherwise you wouldn't do this.
The world is really fucked!!!