Homogenous, connected, one is the all and all is the one. You are me and I am you and he is her and she is him and it is I and I is it as they are them and them is they. When you think of the universe, our physical reality pronouns are so overrated and unneeded. We are all connected within the same framework of the same organism. It doesn't matter how you identify or why you identify to be this or to be that because at the end of the day we are all the exact same thing. The universe. We are all connected.. so who gives a fuck if someone wants to chop there little weewee off and grow a taco bell taco.. like really.. who gives a flying fuck. I know I dont!! So long as there's no children being hurt or anyone being hurt in an unconsented and inappropriate way.. I could honestly care less. But leave the damn kids alone! We are all the same damn thing! The sooner we realize that the sooner we will triumphantly March into the age of love.. โฅ๏ธโนโนโนโฅ๏ธ