How does one cancel my subscription?
I have been a member of the unifyd tv app for about a month now. I have consumed quite a bit information and have enjoyed it. Recently i have a sour taste in my mouth from your business practice. Its looking like you are price gouging your clients. You are doing it with luring them into new things that may promise becoming a better self, but then you wont offer it on the unifyd tv app unless i pay more. You do not have enough entertainment to warrant this price. Also i have noticed no real concrete information is coming out. Its all speculation and hinting at certain people but not mentioning the evil doers names. So basically im under the impression you are pedalling a scheme here. Theres no hard facts especially in the pyramid code and the disclosure series. Anyways please cancel my subscription at the end of this month and refund the rest of my money in full please. Thank you.