I have a keen interest in animals and connecting with them and have actually made it a new hobby of mine.. they may not be as conscious as us (or are they?) but they are conscious entities and should be respected and loved just as humans are.. who are we to say that they don't have emotions or that they don't feel pain emotionally and psychologically..? I think that is the dumbest and most obscene theory anybody has ever made.. how do you literally know what's going on inside of a bird's spirit, soul and psyche? YA DONT!! You can measure the electric waves through the brain but there's no way for them to measure consciousness but to assume blindly that it is scientifically suggested that they are less conscious than us.. I have connected with tons and tons of birds and they do have different personalities and they do feel and whenever I send my telepathic love and care to them through the frequencies of bird calling (out of my mouth) they react and get excited and usually fly up right by me and look at me kind of like a velociraptor from the film "Jurassic Park" would look at you, except not thinking about eating me!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ LOL but it's so cute, adorable and loving the way that they react to my love and kindness to them. People are ignorant.. bottom line. I literally had a flock or a "murder" of crows somehow know that I was moving from my apartment days before I left and they literally flew up on a third floor level right in my backyard, around 70 to 80 crows, and they all squaked super loud at one time to get my attention while I was in my room.. I had the TV on and music that was playing at an 80% volume level and heard there callings from my room.. so I walked out on the back deck (3 floors up) to see what all the commotion was and there they were.. all 70-80 crows hovering.. as soon as I walked out on the back deck they all got more excited and squaked for a remaining 30 seconds (all staring right at me) and then as a group flew off to the south very quickly and abruptly. My intuition and higher self tells me they were saying goodbye to there human friend because i moved put the very next day. (THE MOST ASTOUNDING AND MYSTERIOUS QUESTION IS.. HOW DID THEY KNOW BEFORE HAND!?!?) ๐Ÿค” it was an amazing feeling to be able to experience this.. bottom line is.. THEY UNDERSTOOD ME, THEY FELT ME, THEY LOVED ME AND I LOVED THEM. How's that for "animalistic consciousness"..? I call bullshit on the current understandinging on animalistic consciousness. Now in my new location I am forming new relationships with different bird's and I've astoundingly received the same results.. well see where this continues to go.