May 13
• Edited (May 13, 2024)

I have learned a great deal of disturbing information these last few days about the true extent of the evil being done under our noses. I have listened and watched content from child trafficking survivor and a channel on rumble that exposes the true evil going on all around us. I am in tears and am lost for words. I knew it was happening but I never knew it was to this extent. We have got to stand up and help bring this to awareness and put an end to it. This is very serious. Check out these links. This is all very graphic but I trust that this platform is a safe means to bringing this to awareness. and The first link is a child trafficking survivor who is trying to bring awareness and she knows the whole scoop and mentions several big names we all know. The 2nd link is mentioning to true nature of how things really are. From Epstein and a so called unknown island called TerraMar to Hollywood elites and adrenochrome Satanic Ritual Abuse minf control mk ultra and baby farming. There are 3 parts to the Just the Tip series. I only watched the 1st one so far. I can't handle anymore today. Please find it in your hearts to check this out cause we must do something for the children. Stay blessed!