I heard a podcast episode where David Icke talked about the simulation matrix theory and in his discussion it sparked an idea into my head that maybe we are already in the place certain religions describe as hell. Maybe this entire soul life we have been casted into this matrix prison, as David Icke insists, which in all reality, is a place where we have been entraped for God knows how long . Doesn't that make you wonder?? Hell is described as a dauntless imprisonment where your soul is sent to for eternity which in comparison we are basically living that eternity life after life, reincarnation after reincarnation... yes, people claim that we eventually ascend but who has ascended and then came back to tell us they ascended?? It's theoretically impossible, because once you ascend, you ascend.. for good.. right? So how in the hell do they know we ascend, if after you ascend you are gone out of the cycles of reincarnation into a state of 100% spirit?? They don't... idk this idea just came to mind as I was working and I felt intrigued to share to the community. โ™ฅ๏ธŽโนโนโนโ™ฅ๏ธŽ