I just had a very powerful and emotional intuitive download while looking at President Biden rant and rave confusingly and seamlessly about very unorthodox and unlogical statements and sentences he seems to try and put together but while looking at his face and seeing the crowd yell four more years four more years four more years repeatedly the look on his face made me feel very deeply and emotionally that he is being controlled and people have taken advantage of him as being a kind and loving man and everything that he has done to destroy the United States is something that he feels terrible about deep inside and doesn't want to do anymore.. as he stared off into the crowd I could feel his emotions coming out of him like an energetic wave of Sorrow because he knows what he is doing is wrong and does not want to do it anymore.. I definitely won't and didn't vote for Joe Biden but I can see in his eyes and intuitively that he doesn't want to do what he's doing anymore and I don't think he ever did. I think pure pressure and mind control and possibly even a clone or something happened to him within the last couple years.. something serious.. politics and people are f***** up. Joe Biden will go down in history as being one of the worst president ls in the USA and he didn't even want to do the things he's done. So, at the end of the day I humbly respect and love Joe Biden for atleast feeling sympathetic and wrongful for what he's doing so there must be some type of human inside of him. People are monsters, selfish, and ego driven. What will it take to help change humanity.. ?