Illuminati Masonic Symbolism Is Physically Embodied In Israel, Stemming From Its Ashkenazi Khazarian Inception
On November 2, 1917, The Balfour Declaration was issued by the British government announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in @Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Delivered by the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Ashkenazi Khazarian Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (a British Jewish community leader) to be relayed to the Zionist Federation of @GreatBritain and Ireland.
In 1953 The Grand Lodge of Israel was established and its official seal enclosed the symbols of the three great monotheistic religions: Christian Cross, Jewish Star of David, and Muslim Crescent, all intertwined within the Masonic square and compasses. This demonstrates how the Jesuits, Khazarians and Zionists seek to use their tool of Freemasonry to infiltrate and control all religions. On March 9, 1968, Solomon's Pillars Lodge No. 59 a.k.a. Amudei Shlomo in Eilat, @Israel was founded and showcases an Illuminati pyramid with Freemasonic logo/pillars.
In 1992 The Supreme Court of Israel was built and donated to Israel by Ashkenazi Khazarian philanthropist Dorothy de Rothschild. Outside the President's Chamber displayed a letter from Ms. Rothschild expressing her intent to donate a new building for the Supreme Court to @IsraeliPM Shimon Peres. At the entrance of the Supreme Court was a painting of the Rothschilds with Shimon Perez and Isaac Rabin planning the construction of the Supreme Court. The Rothschilds specifically built the Supreme Court to feature a massive Illuminati pyramid on the roof which is symbolic of their plans for eternal domination via a one world government fascist globalist totalitarian transhumanist NAZI World Order (#NWO).
*credit to QueOp for creator of post
February 07, 2024