I'm learning to master this as I feel as if only the person with there specific intuition can learn to master it because intuition is it's own entity.. sounds crazy right?? Well know that intuition is a separate part of you, compartmentalized if you will... People as myself that have been through a lot of trauma and have severe PTSD struggle with corrupted intuition or paranoia so it can be harder to interpret what exactly your intuition is communicating to you, what is Rio and what is worry, anxiety and paranoia.. The way that I have bypassed this confusion is by setting up certain codes with my higher self, spirit guides, and spiritual ancestors so whenever I question my intuition I look for the code and usually it's instantaneously and if it's not instantaneously that means I will make a specific decision and have a thought in regards of the feedback I get from the divine powers that be. But learning to master this is complicated and I feel as if the people that have experienced severe trauma and severe PTSD have experienced a different type of reality thus meaning their intuition is stronger because they have experienced a very negative thing and as bashar and Darrell say the further you go into the darkness, when you let go of the darkness and shoot out into the light, the faster you will travel in the further you will go. Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by coincidence.. everything you go through in life and everything you feel thank and no is all done on purpose and for a reason in order to meet your soul agreement and what your spiritual self is actually looking for in this three-dimensional life.. My personal opinion is that this is a giant program technological matrix where we are the data collectors, our experience is sent back to the hard drive, the creator and we are basically an app on an Android phone that completes certain tasks and receive certain information which then gets sent back to the hub where all of the information is stored or the hard drive if you will. Trust your intuition, understand your intuition, get to know your intuition, love your intuition, and always trust your intuition. Before you can do all that you must know your intuition and intimately become intertwined with its define purpose. Love and light to all... Almost the weekend.. it's been a damn good week.. my intuition just told me the weekend and next week will be great as well... AND I TRUST IT!! ❤️⁹9⁹9⁹❤️