In the 90's there was an experiment that was conducted and highly classified about how the mind is connected with age where they took multiple elderly people that were well over the age of 80 and placed them in a closed off society from the rest of the world in a structured community set in the 50's where they stayed for an extended period of time being surrounded by technolgy,food,music,radio and vehicles as well as anything else that would be within that time period and as the first weeks past they were all rejuvenated and their ailments were mostly disappearing. After 3 months everyone was walking energetically without walking sticks and at 6 months all had the physical body structure of at least 10 to 20 years younger and in some cases up to 25 years younger. It's basically suggest that everything is in the mind as their bodies were adapting to their perception of the Mind as they were living in the 50s in the past and genetically corrected itself or rejuvenated itself in a very short period of time.