Learning this in a very head bashing type way LOL but I also still have the question on if these things are coming up in your reality unknowingly and unwittingly how do you talk about it to people without bringing their vibration and frequency down as well but you still need to talk about it because you're struggling? That's the thing that I don't understand or get.. I try to talk to my spiritual friends about things that I'm struggling with and they will literally shut me out or black me out from even talking or speaking about it because they say that I'm bringing it into their reality as well as mine but these things are going on with me so how do I not get blacked out when talking to somebody spiritually about spirituality? That's what I don't get.. I guess I can put this off on non-spiritual people or strictly my therapist and counselors? I don't know I kind of take offense to it because they kind of shunned me away like somebody sending in a Christian culture.. it's like they're holding the cross in casting the devil out of me or something LOL I don't know it's crazy but if anybody has anything to say on this subject matter it would be greatly appreciated.