October 23, 2023

I finished reading the pyramid code. I can tell that alot of information is still being held back. It's not healthy to feel like you can't be fully open for the full self to completely come out in the open. Weither people are ready or not I don't care. I will embody my full self, full spirit, full soul, flowing fully without fear into this life for all to see and feel the immense power of love that is within me. That I am. I have no teacher to train me. I train myself, I already know within my self what I need to do. I have this inner knowing, I am connected to the field, connected to God, connected to my fully awaken higher self, connected to love, connected to all. I feel I am divine, I feel my dna has the codes that awakens me. I am connected to spirit guides, angels being that want to help me on my journey. I also feel that their are negative evil forces that wants to stop me in the past from fully stepping into my power. The keys, the knowledge, the codes are with every soul/ spirit/dna. We are not from this earth, even being born in a human form we change the dna of the human body to match the dna of the soul/ spirit. As above so below as within so without. What does this mean. Our human body is an equal likeness to what our soul/ spirit is. What you are within both on a soul and physical level will be equal to what you see in your life. Love above, love below, love within, love without. You have to change on a soul level, in order to change on a physical level, everything that you are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually has to change in a more clean, loving and positive way inorder to affect a real change within the world. Love, forgive, be grateful, most of all know yourself. We are all aliens expirencing being born in a human body inorder to heal and awaken people on earth. People that are starseeds, light workers, their souls don't originate from earth. So we still hold magical powers that we can flow through the physical form once realizing our true origin. Plus the mix of alien dna with human dna long time ago still holds power if we connect the two powers, both spiritual and physical to become one. On another note becoming more spiritual and less physical. Becoming lighter, we are already light, letting go of what makes us heavy. Connect our mind, heart, body and spirit together. If you truly find your power then no one has the power over you.