My spiritual gifts can sometimes be overwhelming due to the fact that my Clairvoyance is very strong and I can read people's intentions and energy through messages or words whether they be written words or verbal words.. that's some crazy s dude.. at times I feel like it is a curse because sometimes I just want to be stupid or simple-minded as to just sitting back and letting things do what they do instead of having to know every single intention of every single person at all times with no breaks in between.. just constant downloads all day everyday.. it kind of gets exhausting and a little monotonous although it has saved my life many times and unfortunately I truly get to see how ugly people are... it's a very grotesque site.. why can't everything just be beautiful? And why does everything always have to be a lie..?*
"Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see" - MARK TWAIN
*DOES ANYONE ELSE experience Clairvoyance or psychic abilities similarly to mine? Id like to start connecting with like-minded people to do like-minded things for a like-minded purpose. Does anybody know any resources in regards of connecting with other psychics? THAT'S NOT A MONEY OR A PROPAGANDA TYPE SITUATION!!! Just people trying to help people.. nothing more nothing less.
January 13, 2024
• Edited (Jan 13, 2024)