Only personal level the universe has taken me into Pitch Black places in my life where there was no love or light and my self-awareness and conscious state of being was at an all-time low where I had no choice of making conscience and helpful decision for myself. The universe put me in this state of being in order to be able to help anybody that is experiencing darkness in their life and to bring them light and love. I've been to a very very dark and desolate place where there was no love no light and it was a very confusing and I was lost in the abyss of nothing. No emotions, no love, no self-love, no ambition, no drive no friends no family just a state of being of being oblivious to everything around me. To now bring me to the point where I can maneuver and come out of any tight spot I'm in and also to bring love and light too everyone that is struggling in the darkness. The universe has its way of shaping it s soldiers so when the time is right they can lead their people out of darkness and into the light. The universe is very intelligent and knows what it's doing. You have to trust that what is just simply is and what isn't just simply isn't but everything happens for a reason and there is no coincidences. Love and light!