
(Pt 4) I said fuck it and I'll just go ahead and post all five videos so here is part 4 lol also I wanted to make a key point that I forgot to make in the video.. So this whole thing with the United States and the borders and basically people trying to destroy our country economically and financially and so many different ways it's unbelievable, but the open border policy that the Biden administration issued was actually titled the draconian immigration act whereas the reptilians came from the star system draconis which would be outside of the firmament in the 5D universe that we actually exist in.. our reality we live in now is not real and it is basically a giant computer program but outside of this there is a vast universe, I think they're going to be taking the firmament down eventually because I think that's part of the 3D matrix. But look up where the reptilians come from and what they're called and what star system they originated from.. they are literally called the draconian reptilians and the name of the act was called draconian.. literally everything you need to know is all out there but you have to search for it. You have to look for it. You have to be aware of it. You have to elevate your consciousness. You have to dig deep, for truth and nothing but the truth so help you source. 9โค๏ธ9โค๏ธ9