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November 30, 2023
β€’ Edited (Nov 30, 2023)

Right now the Earth is changing and evolving and for the first time in our universe our planet Earth is going to be shifting into another dimension. Hence,all of the people starting there Awakening process. Ms.Dolores Cannon claims that all the ET races are sitting back and watching & spectating to see if we are going to be able to pull this off! Within the history of the earth there has been a large amount of ancient civilizations that have come and gone. The myans,Inca,the nordic cultures......where did they go???We have reached the top peak point of the spectrum of what we can do! Within These ancient civilizations due to Greed evil and power and Corruption the civilizations had to be destroyed and were to be brought down again and each and every time the civilization would have to start at a very primitive stage, creating the wheel again and what not. This time they're saying it takes too much time so they're not going to start the process over. The Earth is a living entity and is headed into its next incarnation and is evolving whether Humanity likes it or not!! Gaia does not care what happens to the human race and Ms.Delores relates us humans to be fleas on a dog, just to be shaken off. Mother Gaia is going to do her thing regardless of how we feel or what we do. It is part of the Earth's evolutionary cycle and incarnation. And if we want to go with it,we are going to have to evolve with it, and match its frequency and vibration as it moves into this other dimension. With that being said there will be Earth 1 & Earth 2. One of the Earth's will be the old Earth. Through Dolores Cannons hypnotic regression sessions she claims some of the information gathered couldn't be given for numerous reasons but the Earth is shifting into a different dimension and as it does the energy and frequencies are changing but the old Earth will still exist with all of its negativity, catastrophes, war, disease, hate, evilness, etc. All the people that created the negativity will be required to saty..with the pain,war,and evil and will have to stay with the old Earth and the old vibrations and frequencies but in order for you to go with the new Earth you also have to switch your frequency and vibrations to match that of mother Gaias. The thing about it is that one cannot change one's vibrations and frequencies instantaneously because it would destroy the human body. Those with a large amount of negativity within their frequency and energy field will not have enough time to catch up and match the Earth's new frequency and vibration therefore these individuals will be stuck with the old earth until they match the correct frequency and vibration. Part of this will also happen through attrition ,within the context of people that are still working on personal spiritual lessons will die out and will be incarnating to the old Earth and then within the individuals that have advanced themselves with their frequencies will be incarnated and shifted into the old Earth. Of frequencies that can't change at all will just simply leave the planet altogether. Most people really don't know what's going on but they are feeling different but in reality this is what's going on. The Earth is evolving & moving into another dimension. Your body has to adjust with it. As well as your frequency and vibration. People have been going to the doctor claiming that something is wrong or they feel off but in reality their frequency and vibrations are changing but it can't be done too quick of a pace otherwise it will destroy the human body so it has to be done gradually. You will feel symptoms for a couple days and then won't feel symptoms for a couple months or however it is within your personal Awakening some of the symptoms include high blood pressure, heart palpitations, dizziness, depression, body aches and pains especially in the joints, nausea, headaches but mostly the depression and dizziness is what people claim to be the most significant symptom and heart palpitations.. as people flock to the hospital the doctors tell them that they have high blood pressure, so of course they give them some type of medicine, and they take the medicine but the symptoms do not go away, it's because it's something that can't be fixed with medicine-oriented healing. It's a self and spiritual process. If you understand that you are going through this process of frequency and vibration change you can ride it out and make the process a whole lot easier. One shouldn't eat fatty foods and one must eat healthier to become lighter thus aiding in the Transcendence. In These hypnotic regression sessions the patients talk about staying away from heavy Meats and fatty foods. The best foods to eat are live foods like fruit and vegetables and organic which is the best of all with little chicken meat and fish but not the heavy beef is Important. Stay away from sugar as much as possible and drink lots and lots of water. Ms.Dolores goes on to explain how vital and important water really is for the body. Staying hydrated is key. The predictions also stated that those in an active process of Awakening their frequency and vibrations will start to seek out more liquid type diets,Ms.Dolores then goes on to explain that our digestive system is changing right now. The first two waves of Souls cannot be affected by Karma but the rest of humanity can. The regression sessions say that one cannot enter into the new Earth dimension until you get rid of all the old karma because that is what ties you to Earth because you have to keep coming back to repay it. So long as you are stuck you will not be able to move on. Holding on to all the baggage and things that hold you down and suffocate Your Soul and Spirit are things you absolutely have to let go of in order to get to this new dimensional earth. Within any traumas or pain one must forgive wholeheartedly and truly not holding on to any karmic baggage. Some people will say, "I cannot forgive that person! You have no idea what they did to me! "The idea of the situation is that if you do not forgive them in this incarnation you will come back again to do it all over again but the stipulations will be worse. YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO!!! You do not have to be face to face with the person when releasing the karma, you can do it mentally and just tell the person you are letting them go, so they do not have a hold over you and keep you incarnating over and over and over and over again. You have to wholeheartedly ,truly release your karmas. You have to have pure and sincere intentions but it's definitely possible. I know this sounds really far fetched and unbelievable or way too Supernatural and doesn't make sense to our current understanding of reality but in reality this is reality! Ms. Dolores Cannon has done many many Hypno regression sessions for past lives and soul searching. This is all first hand information straight from Ms. Dolores Cannon and her sessions with hypnotic regression! A little sneak peek of the new updated Earth is that we are going to take the technology and we are going to do wonderful things with it!! We will be entering a world where there won't be any illnesses and you can live as long as you want and at first you will take your physical bodies with you but after a period of time you will turn into light beings , it's going to be a wonderful perfect and beautiful place. Filled with love and source. Isn't going to happen instantly because we are in the middle of the transition and dimensional shift right now. So nobody can really speculate when exactly it is going to happen all they know is that we are in the middle of the transformation right now!! This is going to be NIRVANA!! I certainly hope you enjoyed. Love and light to all!!! βœŒοΈπŸ«ΆπŸ½πŸ’«πŸ«‘