🎁Santa Claus🎄
Programming PSYOP Scheme
Magical childhood experience
written by: Caleb J Reeves
From a very young age we are involved in a giant PSYOP situation where misinformation has been established. We start to lie to our kids at a young age therefore developing a mis-trust relationship. The kids really develope with this idea or narrative and dedicate alot of energy and time to the idea and the excitement of Santa Claus and Christmas only to be let down whence they receive the truth of the matter and that their parents have been lying to them covering up something that never even existed in the first place and basically gives the child the idea of being let down by the people they look up to so diligently and emotionally. But why, is there more to this Santa narrative then what meets the eye or that we may understamd?? The fact that we've been brai washed for over a hundred years whos not to say that this could be another form of programming by the elites. I remember how I felt.. I was so excited and very sucked into the whole Santa Claus narrative and whence they told me he wasn't real I was in denial for a number of years and held on to the idea, image, and hope that was associated with the fat jolly of a man. For me personally the idea of believing in a narrative as soon as the age of 1-2 and then 10 years later to have my parents tell me it was all a big lie and that none of it was true caused a sense of distrust and negativity. Yeah, the experience of getting presents and fellowship ping with family is great and somewhat magical but that feeling subsides and all the magic seems to (poof) disappear right in front of your eyes only to see that I have been programed to believe something that was never true and to live in a fantasy that people created for propaganda as well as programming the false narrative idea i.to your reality at a young age. Does that create distrust or does it program us psychologically to follow narratives that aren't true... I'm curious as to what the community has to say in regards of Saint jolly ol nick. Thoughts, feedback and beliefs??
●♡999♡●2/5/24●Caleb Reeves●

February 05, 2024