♡♥︎Self Worth & the LAWS of The Universe♥︎♡
*(Channeling sessions through Darryl Inka from Bashar the extraterrestrial)
*(I did a rundown of the laws awhile back but here is a much more in depth description of the laws and self-worth.. hope you enjoy!! )
♥︎(Self Valuation) "BASELINE REFRENCE"♥︎
One of the most important things we have to do on this planet right now is learn about ourselves. For thousands and thousands of years we have lost touch with our connection to the Universe whether that be by being PSYOP'D, Misinformed, or brain washed we have been taught that we are less deserving or as possessing little or no value and without an understanding of your worth or your value none of the tools will actually work. Only whenever you realize that you are a worthy aspect of all that is and that I you have and are being beautifully and unconditionally loved and supported by that aspect of creation and to hold yourself in the same value that the creator holds you in (BEAUTIFUL/LOVING) and only really then will the tools work correctly or effectively in the strongest way possible.The tools can only be as strong and powerful as you make them. Because the energy comes from you through you therefore you are the one that determines the power that the tools have. Because the tools draw their energy from you.. you and nobody but YOU create your reality..
♥︎(Personality Structure)♥︎
Personality structure is based on three things. Which is an artificial construct which is in turn is a type of mask. Which is built and fabricated from three ideas..
Can be looked at like blue prints of a building.. the nature of the blueprint or the clarity of the design will determine the ultimate product. (YOU CREATE WHAT YOUR BUILDING LOOKS LIKE)
Are the builders-Activation energies and principals that the building built. And the nature of the builders will determine the quality of the product. (YOU CREATE HOW STRONG YOUR BUILDING IS)
Building Materials are in the thoughts and actions that I do and the nature of the building materials will determine the quality of the final building. (YOU CREATE YOUR OWN BUILDING)
♥︎♥︎♥︎When these three things are aligned and in synchronization your reality will reflect the idea of a strong structure (USE TO BE A STRAW HUT VS. NOW ITS A STROMG BIG MANSION) with a reality that is stable in that way but if either my belief (blueprint)or my emotions (builder) or my behavior (building) materials are somehow lacking or out of whack or out of balance that the idea of self worth and self valuation aren't aligned with the other sides of the three-sided prism then my building would be a little a weak supported structure..
♥︎♥︎♥︎(Bringing them all back into balance...)
Physical reality is like a mirror and you only get what you put out.
These are not laws that we have on our planet..REAL LAWS CANNOT BE BROKEN as these four laws are the laws of creation which are as follows...
《1•♥︎(YOU EXIST)
That mean is if you exist now you always will and you always have and you will continueto exist because emergy never dies, it simply just changes form. Which means you may change form but you will always exist in some shape or form no matter what. Because (ISNESS) is the only quality that existence has. It doesn't know how to become non-existent.. non-existence is already full of all the things that will never exist and there is no room in non-existence for that witch does exist. That which exists only has one quality..(TO BE).. thus meaning that is the only thing it will always be.. if you exist (WHICH YOU DO) you always will.. SO RELAX!! And enjoy your existence..
All of the pieces from the puzzel together form the (ONE) and the one is the one that knows itsself simultaneously as all the pieces.. creation isn't seperate from the creator but made from the creator and that there is no outside to it which means every single person, plant, animal, idea or intention is one single of the whole. Every single particular thing is the whole. Also holographicly every single particular is the whole and expressing itself as part of the whole.. all the little pieces to the giant puzzle go together to form the end result of the entire puzzel..every piece has its own individuality but all together they are pieces to the same big puzzle. Everything is connected and eveything is one or (HOMOGENOUS)..
This law is simple, the energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviors (YOUR BUILDING/STRUCTURE) you give off determines the kind of reality or experience you will have because physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you strongly believe is true for your physical reality but what we see and ehat we get is nothing but a mirror. Think of the idea that when looking in a mirror you can't just go over to the mirror and change the appearance, you first have to change whatever you want to change on yourself in order to get a different projection in the mirror. When you decide to smile the reflection has no choice but to smile because it doesn't have a mind of its own.. physical reality is like a mirror, and it will not change until you chanve first and whence you do it has no choice but to follow suit because it is only a reflection of what you've put out.
Every experience you've ever had or are having now or will have in the future is based on these laws to various degrees. The thing to understand and remember is that we make choices that are based on our motivation and our motivation is based on your definitions. And this is the other way to explain the three-part process. Your behavior, your choices are based on your motivations, your emotions which stem from your definitions which are your beliefs. (Anytime you are making a choice it is because you have been motivated to make that choice and motivation only has two parts to it.) You will always choose in every single case what you perceive to be the closest motivational choice to pleasure and furthest motivational choice from pain. Thats the entire motivational force. Keep in mind that I said you will choose the closest thing you perceive and that is where definitions come into play because you will only experience what you define painful is what you will be motivated to make choices in accordance to that belief. That's why if we keep choosing things that are painful we have the definition and belief system somewhere that causes us to gravitate and keep choosing painful choices its because our belief systems are causing us to do so because regardless of how painful it is to keep choosing that you are somehow defining it as being less painful then making any other choice. And that is why it is so important and powerful to get in touch with what your belief systems are and that is how you find out why you are defining something as pleasurable or painful and when you change the definition it will instantly change your motivation and you will instantly change the choices that you make because we are all motivated people and not one single one of us lack motivation and none of us lack trust and it is just a matter of where you are placing your trust and what definition you are motivated to act upon. The definition through motivation, through choice is how you understand reality. Emotion... belief...behavior... (REALITY)..
written by: Caleb Reeves
♡♡♡(Sources)channeling sessions through Darryl Inka from Bashar the extraterrestrial.. 👽
February 09, 2024