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Shape-shifting usually believed to be folk lore or sheer nonsense might after all be much more plausible and possible than one might think. The term THERIANTHROPY usually used within the context of human SHAPE-SHIFTING into an animal through a process called METAMORPHOSE where the so desired human being SHAPE-SHIFTS into an animal at will. It was discovered within a cave in France that in ancient cultures they believed in this process and it was depicted on the wall of the cave. I mean really?? Why would an ancient culture draw a picture of this transformation on the wall well before there were any movies,books or blogs of instantaneous shared information (INTERNET) regarding the process??? In my opnion,it's because it is possible and has been happening and certain beings have been using this process for a very very very long time. If a caterpillar-worm like creature πŸ› is able to morph into a beautiful butterfly πŸ¦‹ why wouldn't something MUCH BIGGER and evolutionary advanced be able to do such things??? Well,it's because IT IS happening and there are certain types of beings that possess this gift and SUPER-NORMAL SHAPE-SHIFTING ABILITIES, In MYTHOLOGY and ANTHROPOLOGY talks about the shifting and alteration of one's original appearance of that of a human into another species. LYCANTHROPY. 🐺 is the shifting from a human to a wolf as well as CYANTHROPY, 🐢 is believed to be the shifting of human to a canine, and AILURANTHROPY into a cat!!! πŸ™€ Within several ancient EURASIAN , TURKIC and AFRICAN cultures there is talk about shamans who could change their form and they were known as KURTDAMS which transforms into a so called "WOLFMAN" and doing so by having traits of both human and animal anatomical structures. Within NATIVE AMERICAN cultures it was said that SKIN-WALKERS were people with "so called" SUPER-NATURAL abilities,which in reality are "SUPER-NORMAL" to turn into whichever animal they so desired. They believed that in order to SHAPESHIFT into an animal one must be wearing a pelt of the specific animal. In NORTH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS traditions they have created the idea of having ancestors that are bears and described as being "URSINE SHAPE-SHIFTERS" which then goes on to explain with a belief of bears shedding their skins to morph into human form then marrying a human woman in disguise. The hybrid babies born from these types of situations usually carry combined Anatomy of that of an animal and human creating a animal/human hybrid with traits from both sides of the DNA spectrum. Within this context The Offspring would have "Supernatural" (SUPER-NORMAL) Beauty and out of this world strength and also May hold the ability to SHAPESHIFT as well. ENTHNOLOGIST-IVAR LISSNER put in theoretical terms that the cave drawings were in reality not the representation of mythical and folklore SHAPESHIFTERS but in actuality attempts to explain and show how SHAMAN'S becoming able to hold the capacity to mentally and also spiritually change there physical molecular structure and obtainjng various animals physical appearance and genetic make up. Within the narrative world and current self-limiting conscience belief systems the psychiatric aspects of this gift and skill is coined as "CLINICAL LYCANTHROPY" which is believed to be in the psychiatric world as a delusional sense of self disorder found in traits of schizophrenic disorders also involved within having different symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Like I previously stated, if bugs and insects and animals can morph into different forms why wouldn't other beings and humanoids be able to acquire the same gifts and abilities?? Make it make sense!! It doesn't and within the context of the Multiverse we live in,ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING is possible. Our current understanding and consciousness regarding and in actuality are SUPER-NORMAL natural abilities rather than supernatural abilities are not to the extent and limited to the current narrative and belief systems of the world. On ending notes, SHAPESHIFTING is 100% possible!!! So it seems that SHAPESHIFTING has been going on for a very long time within the context of human Origins as well as EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to turn into an animal! WHY NOT?!?!? πŸ«΅πŸ½πŸ«΅πŸ½πŸ«΅πŸ½πŸ€”πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€―
Caleb J Reeves