So I just had to download.. for anybody that doesn't know it is very hard to find Adderall at any pharmacy right now..whenever covid hit and people started getting the vaccines and the lockdown mandates were in effect Adderall prescription skyrocketed resulting a huge demand and an underproduction of the medication thus meaning even today Adderall is hard to find at any pharmacy because so many people started getting prescriptions for Adderall during the COVID fakedemic.. I think the way the vaccines have affected people's minds and thinking abilities has drove them to seeking out attention enhancement supplements or drugs in order to combat the "DUHHHHH".. effects of the vaccines and all the other toxins that they put into our waters and foods.. or people just wanted to start getting high all of a sudden and started seeking out stimulant based narcotics.. regardless, the prescription boom didn't happen until during and after covid so if you put 2 and 2 together you get 4. โค๏ธ999โค๏ธ