So I need some opinions and views on this but I was just in my room making a cup of coffee whenever all of a sudden I heard crows squawking repeatedly and frantically outside my window and as everybody knows I've been having encounters with birds and crows and I've been speaking to them and getting more comfortable with them as well as them getting more comfortable with me over the past month or two and today there was about 60 to 70 of them I would say all outside of my window in my backyard squawking frantically so I dropped what I was doing and I ran outside and they were literally all just sitting there floating and hovering in the air about eye level.. some of them were sitting on a tree but most of them were hovering and as I came outside they all just flew away together as one flock but it was just like they were screaming at me about something and if anybody could shed light on as to what message they may have just been passing me that would be fantastic! Crazy energy right now.. maybe they're hungry LOL I think I'll go feed them but feedback would be great!
(*NOTE..not an original photo)