March 23
• Edited (Mar 23, 2024)

So the more I have been reading the "preview pdf" written by Terrance Howard, the more I learn how accurate he is. People who claim to be "educated" have slandered this man for speaking the truth.
Why bother with well-reasoned arguments when you can just throw a few ad hominems around? It's like they are saying, "Hey, I can't prove my point, but let me attack your personality instead!" 🙄
And let's not forget the classic move: "I'm right because I said so, and you're wrong because I said so." Because clearly, eloquence and evidence are overrated.
So all I can say to those "educated" ones who are the one's that profess their "degrees and titles" keep flexing those character-deforming muscles! Oh, absolutely! Because nothing screams "intellectual prowess" like resorting to character assassination instead of engaging in a thoughtful debate.
This isn't directed to anyone here or specifically for that matter, just some BS comments on Quora, FB, and YT from random engineers, mathematicians blah zay blah zay.
That man knows what he is trying to tell these sleeping beauties.