Soooo.. I've had another intuitive download while watching the newish "Aquaman and the Lost Kindom" movie.. are they giving us a soft disclosure about all that ruckus that was going on in Antarctica where Buzz Aldrin and multiple World Leaders all met up and almost did a tour of something that was down there and that has come uncovered by the global warming in relation to this movie they are showing frozen birds and other life forms who have met an unfortunate demise by being frozen solid immediately by the last "cyclic pole shift"? Now that all this stuff is melting within the context of the movie they are suggesting that this substance the evil doers are using are warming the earth and will eventually cause a major disruption within our climate and suggest that the warming is intentional in order to obtain whatever technology that has been frozen in the ice from the last major pole shift...maybe this is what's going on right now because our climate has shifted tremendously as being much warmer all year around,atleast here within the mid U.S.A.. soooo I'm seeing multiple indications of pole shifts and frozen tech as well as a nefarious plot to warm the earth and melt the ice in Antarctica much quicker than expected...SO I suppose the question truly is..WTF IS DOWN THERE!??!