August 27

Symbolysms on our foods!
The" ouroboros" is often interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth; the snake's skin-sloughing symbolises the transmigration of souls.
Leviathan or Laviathan Cross.This is also an occult, Satanic cross, which is associated with Lucifer, Satan and the Devil. It is the alchemy symbol for brimstone, which has been associated with fire, sulfur and hell. At the bottom is the symbol of an infinite loop.
What’s so mystifying about the letter “X?”
For starters, the swastika X—or cross—has come to symbolize the very essence of evil. And the letter, as signified by the skull and crossbones, portrays death by poison. Yet it also represents virtue and eternal life in being employed as an abbreviation for Christ in Xmas, and for Christianity generally. Such a curious dichotomy only hints at the many convoluted complexities of a letter seemingly “designed” to beguile us with contradictory connotations