July 13, 2023

Finally, the show is over.

Starting on July 11, we're releasing 100+ hours of content covering all aspects of the "pandemic". Sign up below and stream it for free for 21 days.


With The End of COVID, we've created a library of videos to educate the public on what happened in the last three years. Plus, the decades before that. Over the course of 90+ sessions, we go back all the way to the origins of germ theory, touching on each so-called "pandemic" up to the present. This collection of information exposes pandemics for what they really are: a big show. One that has been live since TV (tell a vision, tell lie vision) was black and white.

An education to end all pandemics:


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I only recommend what I think is of value and meaning to your life and community;

To make it easy for both of us, I receive a small percentage in compensation for each product or service purchased.

By signing up, you agree to be contacted by The Way Forward, Alfa Vedic & The Sovereign's Way. Your information will not be shared with anyone else per the privacy policy. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Enjoy the content.

/Simon Nilsson, a man.