December 05, 2023

The question is what's on my mind, I am somebody's neighbor. But do you know me. Most likely no. I am sitting at home, to myself. Not walking up to a neighbors door. Why people love virtual connections compared to a physical face to face one that has more truth and meaning. It seems it's not custom to just walk up to someone that lives so close by. Tides are changing. I could say I am a wayshower. There is always a better way to be. The past ways of society do not work and never will. Letting go of fear is the first step to walking towards a new path. So let the change happen naturally. Blossoms become beautifal when open to the light. In my soul my purpose is greater than choosing one path in life. There is so many directions in can walk and even side trails. Getting lost in a forest that has no previous path is the way to create one for others to follow behind. Going through the difficult times, hoping others will have an easier time to see the journey clearly. What works and what doesn't. All the lessons learned on the way. I had to learn the hard way, I had to be my own teacher to give my self the lessons that guided me through life. Even one that teaches others will always continue being a student to life and always learn new lessons. Learning never stops. I think the pay of working should be equal to the cost of living. But unfortunately it is not. Working full time is not enough to rent or buy a house or a car. People work all their lives. When their near to death of old age then retire to the ground. That's not living. Wasting their whole life out of fear they choose not to really live. There is a better way, I know it. The way that those that don't follow the status quote walk. Listing to their heart going where love takes them. To those that matter most. The beat of my heart always sounds in the background to every expirence that I face. Facing it head on with the courage of a lion. In this life being weak will never win. Those that build the strength can hold the weight of the world on top of them. Peace calls me to be still and silent to the core. The core holds seeds to grow within new soil. Planting new seeds grow new and strong roots. In the dark for some time then reaching for the light. Growing high above the clouds till reaching for the sky. The warmth empowering every beautiful flower to open. This is love that shines bright in every heart of every creation. The heart of earth shines just as bright as the brightest star. Stars born from the universe. Something calls me to awaken my brightest light of my heart, love flows constantly and unconditionally. No matter what I face, there always is the power of forgiveness. The power to let go of the past to create the moment full of love in a new way. Just love and everything will fall in place to what everything is meant to be. Recognize creating everything out of love will always lead down the right path. Love is always inside you. That's where you look within you. Pray to the spirit of love that is you within.