May 31
  • The woman on the left was putting on a brave face. She was 30th in the world to have an experimental surgery at the Cleveland Clinic that was supposed to “heal her” she spent 9 years on antibiotics from that decision and is about to have her kidney removed at 36 years old. Her only wish is to live until her kids are 18. The woman on the right was guided to a EE center as it opened its doors. She is dedicated to enjoying life, to growing and helping others. Her anxiety is gone. She has a never ending zest for life! Mentally, physically, and spiritually she is restored. He kids and husband have also had meraculous experiences with this technology and they share it with everyone who will listen! She is so grateful for this technology for Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, for Rema who owns the center in Montgomery TX who has loved on her and took a leap of faith and has such a lovely soul! Thank you unified!
  • This woman is me! Blessed and grateful beyond measure!