This is absolutely symbolic as to what's happening in the United States right now. In season 2 the planet the Marines are stationed on.. they're home planet base gets destroyed by a cabal of reptilian creatures and I feel as if this is symbolic for what's happening in the United States right now. They are already here and they are sleeper cells in our communities and at a certain moment everything is going to go to shit. They are already here, a lot of them have already been here and a lot of them just came here over the last couple years through the open border policy which is actually called the draconian border Act LOL all the signs are right in front of our faces but people are so wrapped up in fake news and fake media and they've been indoctrinated so heavily and for so long that they are blind to what is happening and what is transpiring right in front of their eyes. As I said 6 months ago.. get ready because shit is about to hit the fan. They are already here..