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This week's synchronicity thus far.. there's more but I either didn't have time or had to disregard the documentation but I started documenting about a week and half ago.. isn't it just magical how synchronization works??? It's a mystery yet profoundly special and meaningful, personally. Well, for me it is.. the universe, source and my spirit guides all have an agreement and a spiritual arrangements in regards of these numbers. One of my old teachers told me to never share my code with people so that's all you get!! But just wow .. it's crazy how something above you and outside of you can speak to you through numbers. You know, a lot of people just see the numbers but they never really go into intimate detail what it means to them and what way it is special to them but I have made a commitment and dedication to truly unmasking the reality and truth behind the magical sensations of synchronicity.. I document, research, share and then reply to whatever, whoever is sending me these mysterious yet empowering messages.. could it be a glitch in the matrix?? As I've said and voiced my opinion before, I think we are living in a programed reality, some type of super advanced unfathomable technology whereas numbers are literally the code.. think about it.. numbers are in everything.. height, weight, temperature, distance, depth, altitude, building, products markers, money, birthdays, months, years, decades, our counting system, speedometer, signs, speed limts, calories, vitamins, song lengths, clocks, receipt, prices, dimensions, circumference, ECT; .. well, you get it.. everything you can think of can be described using numbers in some type of relative relatable way.. so why are we experiencing these magical increments of numbers everyday, and for me all day??? EVERYONE HAS Speculations but nobody has the definitive proof as to what magical force is at work when this happens to us and it happens more frequently with people who are becoming more aware or going through some type of awakening.. all I know is that it is a magical moment and a glitch in the matrix.. what could it be or what could it mean?? Opinions and feedback?? ❤️⁹⁹⁹❤️