October 17, 2023

What people have to understand we are all powerful, we all hold immense power. We are the creator of our own story that we can connect to others. Happiness, joy, abundance is yours if you want. Stop seeing your self as small. Your greater than your physical body is even capable of holding at one time, that's why you have to constantly flow your self. There is always moment. You know everyone you need to know in every moment. Look within, how do you feel. If you feel bad that is code that something is not right with your spirit/ soul. So change it. Change your actions, what you do every day. Become more aware of every moment without being on autopilot which most people are living there life in. Not even are that every action, thought, and word said, is a program by in the mind. Change the program by being present first and know what your thoughts are. Everything magick, energy, that can be transformed into anything but can never be destroyed. Tranform your inner energy inorder to transform the energy all around you. Weak energy becomes the same as the stronger energy that is close together. If love and positivity is greater then no negativity or hate could ever destroy it. Love will always be the most powerful force that exists in this multiuniverse. We are all connected, the whole universe. We are all one creator in truth that split our energy into many to flow into many forms to play out games and stories like in a movie. To learn. Build your strength both mentally, emotionally and physically inorder to build your power. Don't let others over power you. You are the boss of you. Together we can rethink everything and shape this earth for the better. I can feel I am flowing my higher self into this life. Listening to music like enya, or celtic music always help me to be in the right energetic state to be able to flow words in my mind to write. Many won't understand thinking what they are seeing or hearing is crazy. But it's just to them to be out of this world. But it's all true. Magick is real, and we have the power to create with this magick that is in all of us and even in all of creation. Creation is a wonder full of beauty. How was everything created by a thought of the mind of the one creator that projected out an image that was first energy that manifested into matter. Be very careful of the image in your mind, you have the same power to project your thoughts out into your life. You attract into your life what you are. Feel power growing through your body and flowing out your hand. Called reiki, energy healing. Heal all that you touch when your an open channel for spirit to flow into this earth. Even through your feet you can connect to the earth. I ground so much every day. I walk all day every day. I am a lawn Maintenance forewoman. I work harder than any man, i even see guys stare at me while I drive in the pick up truck with trailer. It's so funny. I feel so powerful in the driver seat and giving orders to my coworker. It's fun and a real blast. When you realize who you are, there is no fear, the drop of every struggle. Life is of your making. Any problem we have the power to solve together. The first step become your higher self, drop the illusion or mask you wore your whole life. You are spirit/soul/angel/ god/the force/ the universe/ the creator/starseed/light worker/, what ever you want to call yourself. So pull your self together. We are here to first clean up our own mess first, by shifting our selves we reflect that shift in others. Give to others, even a smile has a great affect to put a smile on a sad face. I love you, all that read my words, even those that don't, even those that turn away. Who ever is ready will see the love and awaking within themselves and within others. Peace to all. A good day, or night depending where you are in the world.