December 12, 2023
• Edited (Dec 12, 2023)

We have all encaged ourselves into a place we call home, feeling safe, fearing what is outside. This is no way to live. Seeing through the window is one thing but actually walking outside through the door that opens toward a direction that has many different paths that can appear is a completely different thing. There is no measure to what is possible once fear is faced and overcome. Or rather seeing there is no need to fear in the first place. Fear brings the illusion that you need protecting from some unknown threat. Who is the real threat, your own thoughts. We all are powerful being that can create anything we dream of. There has to be a way, a path to get to the abundance, happiness, and love that everyone wants which is the true destination to creating life on earth. Connecting with other people that walk the same path is a real joy. Peace on earth becomes the status quo, heaven on earth becomes the norm. Everyone has the same dream in the eternal soul that flows spirit. People spend their whole life chasing something they think will bring them happiness only to feel empty once they have that. It’s you that you need, your soul/ spirit that shines through to everything you touch. Love in your heart to remember who you truly are that is eternal love. There is no way to ever lose that spark that brought you to this earth. You’re the reason for everything. Together we fulfill the greater purpose. We are more than just neighbors. We are brothers and sisters, we are one of the same creator that created its self within many physical forms. Perhaps a human life is short but a soul/spirit experiences many lives at the same time. Time is something that only exists in the 3rd dimension where we live as humans. The truth must come out no matter how many want it to remain in the shadows as a secret. Those that know will always speak without fear. This is the journey to overcome the fears we have been living for thousands of years. It’s time of awakening. It is up to us to discover our true way of being. Hiding behind a phone isn’t the answer either. Even though it’s great to have the internet to connect to so many people even so far away, many people still are afraid to meet in person. Many people don’t even put their real name or don’t even put a picture of themselves on the profile picture. No one will come after you. But isn’t it great if someone in a store recognizes you and starts to get to know you. I had that once someone recognize me while I was cutting grass at work, I didn’t even know who that person was. But I was happy to be known by someone. The status quo of a society and what is considered the norm can change. It take all of us to work together to make changes, by first changing how we live our own lives. The internet is a tool that we can let other people know of places and ways to come together and share information and ideas. Even different perspective can be shared. We are all like a piece of puzzle that come together to show the bigger and whole picture. As one peace you will never know what you are. But together we can see what we are as one earth, one people, one world. Religion, race, country does not matter at all, within we are all equal and the same to the eyes that created this magical world. Every story of creation is the same just in different words and in different languages. But the message is always the same. Love your neighbor as you love your self. What you do to others you do to yourself. So love all with all your heart, and in turn love will be you manifest in form.