December 14, 2023

We have always been awake and aware, being present in this life. We were just not acknowledging or realizing that which we are and that which we do so naturally. We have come too often to the point that what is nature has become forgotten. Many that first let go of their blocks and internal conflict think why me, no one is any special than another. We are all the same and equal. All going through the same process that we call life, trying to fix the chain of conflict that has been passed down from generation to generation. We are the reflection of those that created us, taught us their ways even though it’s wasn’t correct or the best way. Braking the cycle that we walk creating a new one for new generations to come. How you want to help this world, how to make a difference. Be the change, show by example. Where others turn away from you, be there when they need you. Don’t do to others what is done to you. Do always better to all no matter what. Always express every action with the intention to love with all your heart in every moment. The heart always knows the right direction in every moment.