(🕸️WEB OF LIES🕸️ ) -Indoctrination & Brainwashing
-by Caleb -AKA ❤️⁹⁹⁹❤️

(("The whole idea of assembling masses of students (raw material) to be processed by teachers (workers) and a centrally located school (factory) was a stroke of industrial genius, the whole administrative hierarchy of education, as it grew up, follows the model of industrial bureaucracy. The very organization of knowledge into permanent disciplines was grounded on industrial assumptions, children marched from place to place and sat in assigned seats (stations), bells rang to announce changes of time (Break times/Quotas met by) . The inner life of the school thus became an anticipatory mirror, a perfect introduction to industrial society, the most criticized features of education today the regimentation, lack of individualization, the rigid systems of seating, grouping, grading and marking, the authoritarian rule of the teacher and precisely those that made mass public education so effective and instrument of adaptation for its place and time"..))
Alvin Toffler, Future Shock 1970

∆ ∆ ∆ What this did was indoctrinate kids into becoming part of a anticipated workforce which is also seen as psychologically preparing people to fit a certain agenda for a certain cause. The systems were created to not create critical thinkers but rather to create simple-minded repetitive factory workers or just workers in general.. in order to eliminate any type of competition to the portrayed agenda ∆ ∆ ∆

Signs you have been indoctrinated:
1) You look the only one source or one side of sources that all have the same perspective for your information and beliefs
2) When anyone critiques your group or beliefs or produces evidence that contradicts the official narrative you find yourself trying to discredit or demoralize and demonetize the critic themselves
3) You find yourself thinking about other human beings that are not in your in group as evil, sadistic or disgusting or less than human. You seem to get upset or angry when an opposing idea surfaces and by all means try to stop the person from sharing there perspective how they see it, feel it & smell it.
4) Moments when you find yourself questioning you resist those thoughts either out of fear of experiencing consequences from the group like getting kicked out, shunned or hurt in some way.
5) Your group leader, teacher constitutes a constant feeling of fear and outcasting or hypervigilance and heightened negative emotions.

∆ ∆ ∆ The difference between education and indoctrination is that education is to bring out wisdom and self-identifying creativity along with wisdom from self or from third party for self while indoctrination is to push in knowledge, ideas and theories without truly letting the person critically thank for themselves. Here's an example of brainwashing and doctrination.. and the Korean war American prisoners of war by constantly telling them that they are not a soldier of war, you're not a man, you're not defending freedom filling them with confusion guilt and shame until the first step was completed where they finally betrayed themselves that they are just as bad as the captor said they were. By the end of step one the goal is to have intended targets to break down their sense of self and to get the victims to denounce their family friends and peers by manipulating them into thinking that they are just as bad for believing in the same ideology that they once did. Which leaves them psychologically alone, fearful and desperate for help and completely dependent on the inducer. And then you come to step two, introducing the possibility of salvation. And after dealing with this type of psychological breakdown for weeks months and years after coming to an exhausting point the victim will then see a change in the inducers heart while the inducer will start treating the victim very nicely and considerably loving and caring telling them that they are not bad and that they are good but your beliefs in the people that you surrounded yourself with were bad and as long as you blame your past you do not have to blame yourself and that you will be set free so long as you leave those beliefs behind in the past while almost creating an entire new human being, perspective and psyche. Now, you will move into step three which is rebuild the self. During this final step a ritual is held to stamp the new belief system into the victims psyche while the ritual instills in them this new way of life and belief system which is a representation of their rebirth.. does this sound a little bit familiar? (Being baptized in the blood of Christ where you no longer have to live in the flesh (sin) and now that you have dedicated your life to Christ you can send over and over again so long as you admit and repent in this new way of life) ∆ ∆ ∆

∆ ∆ ∆ Anger is an indication of progress in recovery as it allows individuals to move through the phase and ultimately overcome it. Research shows that those who never expressed anger struggled to recover. The majority of people who were exposed to mind control did not recover because they failed to put in the necessary effort. Make sure to put in the work and understand its value. Cult mind control affects 2 billion; while mass media mind control affects almost 8 billion, some of them very profoundly.. The approach in question, despite its claims to be about circumventing disinformation, appears to promote groupthink and reliance on intellectual authority, which undermines critical thinking and intellectual sovereignty. If you don't notice it, that means that mind control has become your “normal”. They ramped up the intensity gradually, hoping you wouldn't notice, because when the subject doesn't notice, mind control is more effective. Mental slavery via mass media mind control has become the pivotal de facto social justice issue of our era. Other issues pale into insignificance. ∆ ∆ ∆

**Respectfully and humbly, the Globe Theory has been instilled in our psyche and has dominated our civilization.. in all loving and kindness. AWAKEN!!(Is this acceptable??) I lovingly say this with all the love and all light in my heart with nothing but the intention to help you understand yourself and our reality or your reality from your perspective differently in order to humbly and lovingly empower you to become superhuman through the freedom of Truth. You claim to be awake but your eyes are still closed.. well I guess it would be minds are still closed but the mind processes what the eyes see so same difference.. Lovingly...
4/19/24 | CJR | ❤️999❤️