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When using the 369 MANIFESTION METHOD you SIMPLY,yes I said SIMPLY decid3 what you'd like to manifest,then you'll create an affirmation within the context of 15 - 20 seconds.. I.E..- ("I AM A SUCCESSFUL BUSNESSMAN") ONCE you've chosen and created your affirmation involving your desired manifestation within it you will SIMPLY,YES,their's that word SIMPLE again,write your created affirmation 3 TIMES in the morning,6 TIIMES in the afternoon & finally 9 TIMES in the evening... DO THIS FOR 21 DAYS AND THE RESULTS WILL BE ASTOUNDING!! I'VE USED THIS METHOD GOBS AND GOBS OF TIMES AND IT HAS BROUGHT DRASTIC AND UNFATHOMABLE RESULTS WITHIN MY REALITY AND EXPERIENCES. TRUST THAT THE UNIVERSE HAS GOT YOUR BACK AND TGE KEY TO MAKING THIS MANIFESTION TACTIC WORK IS TO BELIEVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY UNMISTAKINGLY THAT YOUR DESIRED MANIFEST IDEA AND AFFIRMATION ARE ALREADY TRUE AND YOU ARE YOUR DESIRE AND AFFIRMATION.
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-Caleb Reeves 11/26/23